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Controllers are responsible for handling incoming requests and returning responses to the client.

A controller's purpose is to receive specific requests for the application. The routing mechanism controls which controller receives which requests. Frequently, each controller has more than one route, and different routes can perform different actions.

In order to create a basic controller, we use classes and decorators. Decorators associate classes with required metadata and enable Nest to create a routing map (tie requests to the corresponding controllers).

@Controller('snakes') # (1)
class AppController:

    @Get() # (2)
    async def findAll() -> str:
        return "This action returns all snakes"
  1. :man_raising_hand: I'm a code annotation! I can contain code, formatted text, images, ... basically anything that can be written in Markdown.

  2. :man_raising_hand: I'm a code annotation! I can contain code, formatted text, images, ... basically anything that can be written in Markdown.

The @Get() HTTP request method decorator before the findAll() method tells Nest to create a handler for a specific endpoint for HTTP requests. The endpoint corresponds to the HTTP request method (GET in this case) and the route path. What is the route path? The route path for a handler is determined by concatenating the (optional) prefix declared for the controller, and any path specified in the method's decorator. Since we've declared a prefix for every route ( cats), and haven't added any path information in the decorator, Nest will map GET /snakes requests to this handler. As mentioned, the path includes both the optional controller path prefix and any path string declared in the request method decorator. For example, a path prefix of snakes combined with the decorator @Get('breed') would produce a route mapping for requests like GET /snakes/breed.

In our example above, when a GET request is made to this endpoint, Nest routes the request to our user-defined findAll() method. Note that the method name we choose here is completely arbitrary. We obviously must declare a method to bind the route to, but Nest doesn't attach any significance to the method name chosen.

This method will return a 200 status code and the associated response, which in this case is just a string. Why does that happen? To explain, we'll first introduce the concept that Nest employs two different options for manipulating responses:

Standard (recommended) Using this built-in method, when a request handler returns a dictionary or array, it will automatically be serialized to JSON. When it returns a Python primitive type (e.g., str, int, bool), however, Nest will send just the value without attempting to serialize it. This makes response handling simple: just return the value, and Nest takes care of the rest.

Furthermore, the response's status code is always 200 by default, except for POST requests which use 201. We can easily change this behavior by adding the @HttpCode(...) decorator at a handler-level (see Status codes).
Library-specific We can use the library-specific (e.g., FastAPI) response object, [ ... ]

Request object

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Earlier, we defined an endpoint to fetch the cats resource (GET route). We'll typically also want to provide an endpoint that creates new records. For this, let's create the POST handler:
class AppController:

    @Get() # (1)
    async def findAll() -> str:
        return "This action returns all snakes"

    @Post() # (2)
    async def create() -> str:
        return "This action adds a new snake"
  1. :man_raising_hand: I'm a code annotation! I can contain code, formatted text, images, ... basically anything that can be written in Markdown.

  2. :man_raising_hand: I'm a code annotation! I can contain code, formatted text, images, ... basically anything that can be written in Markdown.

It's that simple. Nest provides decorators for all of the standard HTTP methods: @Get(), @Post(), @Put(), @Delete(), @Patch(), @Options(), and @Head(). In addition, @All() defines an endpoint that handles all of them.

Route wildcards

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Status code

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Route parameters

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Sub-Domain Routing

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Request payloads

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Handling errors

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Full resource sample

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Getting up and running

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Library-specific approach

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